The concept of economical chords, utilise different chord qualities but with exactly the same fingering on different strings. I have found them quite useful in that you can learn a new chord quality but use the same chord shape. The examples here utilise four note voicings and although some of these voicings can sound a bit strange, in a particular context they can sound great.
The following examples utilise four note voicings.
Amin9, Bmin6, F#maj6.
Eb7, Bbmaj7, Fmaj7add4.
Fmaj7, Bbmin, Ebmin(maj7).
Ebdim7, Bbmin7b5, F7b5.
Economical chords
The following voicings utilise;
Amin, Dmaj(min7), F#7b9.
Amaj, Dmaj, Gmaj7#11.
A#9, Dmaj, Gb5.
A#5#9, D#5, Gmaj.
Economical chords
Ebmaj7/A, D7b5, A9/G.
A#5, Dmaj#5, Gmaj7.
A13#9, E7#9, Ab5.
A7, E7#5, Bmaj7#5.
Economical chords